Hypopressive Abs and Their Benefits During Postpartum Recovery
Doing physical activity after pregnancy is a necessity, not only for aesthetics, but for health. Hypopressive abs offer numerous benefits in this regard, don’t overlook them.
Pregnancy is one of the most important processes in women’s lives. Apart from the fact that it is the opportunity to bring a new life into the world, it is also considered a traumatic and complex process, which leaves its traces on the body of the new mother. For this, hypopressive abdominals in the postpartum period are highly recommended.
You will wonder what a postpartum exercise has to do with the gestation process , and in fact they are completely related. In most pregnancies, the skin and muscles of the abdomen are directly affected.
These stretch and, on many occasions, do not return to their pre-pregnancy position. That is where postpartum hypopressive abs come into play , which we will talk about below.
Hypopressive abdominals in the postpartum
Apart from the abdominal region, the pelvic floor is also affected by the gestation process. The muscles related to these areas lose tone, strength, resistance and elasticity.
In that order of ideas, after childbirth , work is required that provides benefits both physically and aesthetically. It is no secret to anyone that a pregnant woman also thinks about her appearance and she wants to feel good once the pregnancy is over.
Therefore, postpartum hypopressive crunches can be helpful in a number of ways . These are done through breath management from the diaphragm muscle, as well as through some postures to compress the abdominal and pelvic region.
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Benefits of hypopressive abdominals
Through hypopressive gymnastics, you can get back to your figure as it was before pregnancy. Hypopressive crunches undoubtedly have a number of exciting benefits, such as:
- It tones the abdominal muscles and improves the style of the perineum.
- It reduces the waistline.
- It improves body posture and reduces back pain.
- Improving the pelvic floor
- It strengthens the muscles and ligaments surrounding the bladder, giving you more control over the number of times you urinate.
- Reduces abdominal diastasis (ideal during post-partum).
- Pregnancy does not only affect the region of the abdomen or the pelvic floor. By increasing the normal weight due to the fetus, the body is subjected to a series of unusual efforts.
- A clear example of this is the posture, which changes drastically with the growth of the belly. The muscles near the spine also suffer from deconditioning, and the problem may be greater.
- However, postpartum hypopressive abdominals help to recover and improve posture. As recent studies indicate , regular performance of these types of exercises strengthens your core area and, over time, you’ll feel more upright.
Would you do postpartum hypopressive abs?
Options to activate the organism through physical activity exist in abundance. However, the benefits offered by hypopressive abs in the postpartum period are numerous and varied .
The idea is that you take into account what they offer you and, based on this, go to a professional who can guide you personally. In addition, in this way, the abdominal session will be adjusted to your physical needs, and you can even do it from home.
What is the difference between hypopressive and traditional abdominal crunches?
Traditional abdominal crunches focus on the superficial muscles and create tension on the abdominal wall. Hypopressive crunches, on the other hand, generate hypopressure and target the transverse muscle, which is the innermost power of the abdominal cavity. Combining both techniques could be beneficial. Remember to follow a routine and stay committed to achieve desired results.
Now you know what crunches are, their contraindications and their benefits. Remember that to get the desired results, it is essential to follow a routine and not give up.
The contents of this publication are written for informational purposes. At no time do they facilitate or replace the diagnoses, treatments, or recommendations of a professional. Consult your trusted specialist if you have any doubts and seek their approval before beginning any procedure.